I am very fond of the concept of mixins as well as the Python language. The Python language does not really have the concept of mixins, however it does provide multiple inheritance. Although mixins and multiple inheritance are similar, or can be used similarly, in a lot of ways there are some very important differences.
Here is a simple illustration of mixin behavior in Python.
from datetime import datetime, date
import json
class Jsonable(object):
def date_handler(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)):
return obj.isoformat()
def save_json(self, file_name):
with open(file_name, 'w') as output:
output.write(json.dumps(self.__dict__, default=self.date_handler))
class Person(Jsonable):
def __init__(self, name, bday):
self.name = name
self.bday = bday
if __name__ == '__main__':
matt = Person('matt', date(1983, 07, 12))
assert issubclass(Person, Jsonable)
assert isinstance(matt, Person)
assert isinstance(matt, Jsonable)
In this example, Jsonable is the mixin which provides generic reusable functionality that can be “mixed into” an existing object. This example is nothing special, this is a very typical use of inheritance in Python.
Let’s take a look at a similar example in Ruby, which provides native mixin support.
require "json"
module Jsonable
def jsonify
json_data = {}
self.instance_variables.each do |v|
json_data[v.to_s[1..-1]] = self.instance_variable_get(v)
return json_data.to_json
def save_json(file_name)
File.open(file_name, 'w') {|f| f.write(self.jsonify) }
class Person
include Jsonable
def initialize(name, bday)
@name = name
@bday = bday
person = Person.new('name', '07/12/1983')
raise "not instance" unless person.instance_of? Person
raise "is instance" if person.instance_of? Jsonable
raise "subclass" if Person.is_a? Jsonable
After looking at the assertions at the ends of both the Python and Ruby examples, it is easy to see the differences between the inheritance approach and the mixin approach. The inheritance approach in the Python example actually changes the classification of our class, by making it a subclass, as well as the classification of our class’s instances by making them instances of both Person and Jsonable. In the mixin approach Person is not a subclass and Person instances are not instances of Jsonable so there is no re-classification.
Before going any further, I want to say a few things about object oriented programming. OOP allows developers to categorize pieces of data and functionality into reusable components that mimic the behavior of the real world business concepts they are attempting to represent with code. In a perfect world, that statement would be true, but we all know that objects do not always represent something in the real world.
Let’s analyse some OOP terminology. We have classes, which are CLASSifications of some functionality. We have superclasses, which are high level broad classifications (or SUPERsets of functionality) and subclasses which are more specific classifications (or SUBsets of functionality). Given that classes are for CLASSifying functionality, where do we, as developers, draw the line between how we classify our objects and what our objects are capable of doing? Good question.
Is an object classified by what it can do, or by what it is? I am a Person. I am a Developer. I am a Male. I can do a somersault and stand on my head, but I’m not a Gymnast, and I would never classify myself as one. I can do those things, like many other People, many other Developers, and many other Males but so can Females and Gymnasts and probably even some kinds of Monkeys and maybe some kinds of Fish. Really, the only thing shared between all of these groups is that they have the ability to do the same action.
So, we have a bunch of different classifications of objects that share only a single ability. We could categorize them all as Somersaulters, but is that really a valid classification? I can do a somersault, but I wouldn’t call myself a somersaulter, because as far as my abilities go that is quite insignificant. There are much more important and significant things that should classify me. When I meet someone on the street are they more likely to say, “Are you a somersaulter?” or “Can you do a somersault?” ? Honestly, probably neither. I would think the latter is more likely, however.
The point that I am alluding to is that using multiple inheritance to “mix in”
some type of functionality to an object causes us to do some things that I
consider breaking the rules, and we all know that “…Special cases aren’t
special enough to break the rules…”. Referring back to the Python code example,
we are reclassifying Person by making it a subclass of Jsonable. Is the fact that
the Person can save_json
significant enough that it should define it? Think
about the relationship between Jsonable and Person. Person is a subclass of
Jsonable, which means that Person should further define Jsonable to be more
specific, right? Does it? No, I don’t think so. A Person doesn’t further define
anything about Jsonable, other than the fact that it prints Person related json
data, but Jsonable already does that without any further definition.
tl;dr - I know, so I’ll cut it off here. There will be a follow up post about mixins because there was a lot I didn’t cover. First class functions as mixin alternatives, why some think that mixins are harmful, and classification of bacteria and lichen. Hope you check back soon, thanks for reading!